Sir-Lancebot Environment Variable Reference

General Variables

The following variables are needed for running Sir Lancebot:

Environment Variable Description
CLIENT_TOKEN Bot Token from the Discord developer portal
CLIENT_GUILD ID of the Discord Server
ROLES_ADMINS ID of the role @Admins
ROLES_HELPERS ID of the role @Helpers
CHANNELS_ANNOUNCEMENTS ID of the #announcements channel
CHANNELS_DEVLOG ID of the #dev-log channel
CHANNELS_SIR_LANCEBOT_PLAYGROUND ID of the #sir-lancebot-commands channel
CHANNELS_REDDIT ID of the #reddit channel

Debug Variables

Additionally, you may find the following environment variables useful during development:

Environment Variable Description
CLIENT_DEBUG Debug mode of the bot
CLIENT_PREFIX The bot's invocation prefix
CLIENT_MONTH_OVERRIDE Integer in range [0, 12], overrides current month w.r.t. seasonal decorators
REDIS_HOST The address to connect to for the Redis database.
REDIS_PORT The port on which the Redis database is exposed.
REDIS_PASSWORD The password to connect to the Redis database.
REDIS_USE_FAKEREDIS If the FakeRedis module should be used. Set this to true if you don't have a Redis database setup.
BOT_SENTRY_DSN The DSN of the sentry monitor.
TRASHCAN_EMOJI The full emoji to use for the trashcan. Format should be like the output of sending \:emoji: on discord.


If you will be working with an external service, you might have to set one of these tokens:

Token Description
TOKENS_GITHUB Personal access token for GitHub, raises rate limits from 60 to 5000 requests per hour.
TOKENS_GIPHY Required for API access. Docs
REDDIT_CLIENT_ID OAuth2 client ID for authenticating with the reddit API.
REDDIT_SECRET OAuth2 secret for authenticating with the reddit API. Leave empty if you're not using the reddit API.
REDDIT_WEBHOOK Webhook ID for Reddit channel
TOKENS_YOUTUBE An OAuth Key or Token are required for API access. Docs
TOKENS_TMDB Required for API access. Docs
TOKENS_NASA Required for API access. Docs
WOLFRAM_KEY Required for API access. Docs
TOKENS_UNSPLASH Required for API access. Use the access_token given by Unsplash. Docs
TOKENS_IGDB_CLIENT_ID OAuth2 client ID for authenticating with the IGDB API
TOKENS_IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET OAuth2 secret for authenticating with the IGDB API. Leave empty if you're not using the IGDB API.

Seasonal Cogs

These variables might come in handy while working on certain cogs:

Cog Environment Variable Description
Valentines ROLES_LOVEFEST ID of the role @Lovefest
Wolfram WOLFRAM_USER_LIMIT_DAY The amount of requests a user can make per day
Wolfram WOLFRAM_GUILD_LIMIT_DAY The amount of requests that can come from the same guild per day