Installing Project Dependencies

Note: The process varies depending on your choice of code editor / IDE, so refer to one of the following guides:

The following will use the Sir-Lancebot repository as an example, but the steps are the same for all other repositories. You should have already cloned your fork as described in Cloning a Repository.

Installing dependencies with the command line

  1. Make sure you are in the root project directory. This directory will always have a file titled
  2. Install project and development dependencies. Remember to also set up pre-commit hooks to ensure your pushed commits will never fail linting.

$ poetry install
$ poetry run task precommit

Installing dependencies with PyCharm

  1. Load up your project in PyCharm.
  2. Go to the Project Settings by clicking File, then Settings.... Alternatively, use the shortcut key: Ctrl+Alt+S (command+comma on Mac OS).
  3. Install the poetry plugin.
  4. Navigate to Project Interpreter, then click the gear icon and click Add.
    PyCharm Interpreter Settings
  5. Click Poetry Environment, then click OK.
    PyCharm Poetry Environment
  6. PyCharm will automatically install the packages required into a virtual environment.
    PyCharm Project Interpreter