
  1. The majority of your project must be Python. We will use the GitHub language details for this, so just make sure your repo contains at least 51% Python, and you'll be okay.

  2. Your solution must use the Kivy framework. It is not permitted to work around this by e.g. using Kivy as a wrapper for another framework.

  3. Your solution should be platform agnostic. For example, if you use filepaths in your submission, use pathlib to create platform agnostic Path objects instead of hardcoding the paths.

  4. Your project must be feasible to run and simple to set up on a desktop computer - which means you should almost certainly use some sort of dependency manager, like pipenv, poetry, or a strictly pinned requirements.txt.

  5. You must get contributions from every member of your team, if you have an issue with someone on your team please contact a member of the administration team. These contributions do not necessarily have to be code, for example it's absolutely fine for someone to contribute management, documentation, graphics or audio. Team members that do not contribute will be removed from the Code Jam, and will not receive their share of any prizes the team may win. They may also be barred from entering future events. .

  6. You must use GitHub as source control.

  7. All code must be written and committed within the time constrictions of the jam

    • Late commits may be reverted, so make sure you leave enough time to bug test your program

Please note that our regular community rules and code of conduct also apply during the event and that we reserve the right to make changes to these rules at any time.